Aunty Donna, the award-winning comedy group hailing from Australia, ventured into the United States with their debut ‘Big Boy’ tour. As they set their sights on conquering the American comedy scene, our team stepped in to mastermind their US market penetration strategy, aimed at boosting ticket sales across multiple cities.
Our Approach:
Intricate Demographic Targeting: Leveraging the capabilities of Facebook ads, we skillfully identified and engaged with local audiences in each city. This strategic approach ensured Aunty Donna’s distinctive humor struck a chord with comedy enthusiasts in every location.
Engaging Fan Experiences: Through interactive ‘Ask Me Anything’ (AMA) sessions, we fostered direct connections between Aunty Donna and their fans. This personal touch not only heightened excitement for their live shows but also solidified their dedicated fan base.
Coordinated, Captivating Activations: Our team orchestrated a series of compelling activations, showcasing Aunty Donna’s unique comedic prowess. From captivating content creation to precise Facebook Ad placements, each element was carefully tailored to resonate with the specific demographic in every city.
Celebrate the resounding success of Aunty Donna’s ‘Big Boy’ tour and the collaborative effort that elevated comedy to new heights.
Content Creation, Social Strategy